Grievance Redressal Policy

Grievance Redressal Policy

The Grievance Redressal Policy is part of the overall quality management system at IMS Ghaziabad. The objective of the Grievance Redressal Policy is to enhance stakeholder satisfaction by creating an environment that is open to feedback, grievances, resolving the grievances received and enabling the institution to improve its services provided to students and other concerned stakeholders. Anyone with a genuine grievance may approach the coordinator or member of the Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC). Grievances may also be submitted through an online portal on the institute website Grievance Redressal Form or sent through e-mail to 

Grievance Redressal Process

The committee redresses the grievances promptly and judiciously. Grievances of academic nature will be redressed within 7 days and non-academic within 14 days. The committee ensures the confidentiality of the aggrieved party and the objectivity of the investigators.

Process of Grievance Redressal includes the following steps

  • Step 1 - All grievances to be submitted through the dedicated portal (on the IMS website) or sent through e-mail to
  • Step 2 - After the grievance is received, the Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) meets and discusses the issue(s) of the aggrieved party and conducts a detailed investigation of the grievance.
  • Step 3 - The Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) will propose the possible solutions to the Director for the final decision.
  • Step 4 - In case of dissatisfaction by the aggrieved party, the issue is referred to the Ombudsman's office. In this case, all the relevant information/documents need to be sent to the Ombudsman.
  • Step 5 - The final decision, whatsoever, to be communicated to the aggrieved party, and this would follow the closure of the grievance.

Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC)

The committee redresses the grievances promptly and judiciously. Grievances of academic nature will be redressed within 7 days and non-academic within 14 days. The committee ensures the confidentiality of the aggrieved party and the objectivity of the investigators.

S.No Name Mobile Constitution
1 Dr. Prasoon M. Tripathi Director 9711260677 Chairperson
2 Dr. Anindita Professor 9999686086 Coordinator
3 Dr. Parul Yadav Professor 9810471008 Member
4 Dr. Ajay Patel Professor 8750353173 Member
5 Ms. Aditi Jain Assistant Professor 9212487255 Member
6 Mr. S M Tripathi Registrar 9711260680 Member
7 Mr. Ashis Panda Admission Head 9999618155 Member
8 Mr. Raj Kamal Gupta President – HR & Corporate Affairs 9811054440 OMBUDSMAN (LOKPAL)
9 Faizan Ansari Student – PGDM 2022-24 8299577817 Student Member