About The Conference

The ICMIC-21 is intended to create an interactive platform for academicians, corporate executives, practicing managers and research scholars for sharing views on latest developments in all domains and the impact of changing economic scenario on different sectors of business and industry. It is expected that the conference outcome and recommendations will provide insightful directions for effective policies, plans and strategies in the near future for economic and business practices across the globe. It will also highlight upon the current global threats, risks and opportunities we all have gone through and are still striving hard to recover.

Conference Objectives

  • To bring together practitioners, policy makers, academicians, researchers, and students to share their practical experiences, knowledge and information on the changing needs.
  • To provide a platform to stakeholders to discuss formulation and implementation of strategies and models to meet the changing requirements of global businesses.
  • To provide a forum to corporate and academic wizards to discuss the threats, risks and opportunities in this VUCA world.

Who should attend

  • Academicians
  • Researchers
  • Professionals
  • Industrialists
  • Consultants
  • Government Officials from PSU’s and other departments
  • Management Students