About The Conference
IMS Ghaziabad is organizing an International Conference on “Marketing in the Digital World: Impact on the Indian Economy” on Saturday, December-07, 2019. The Digital revolution has immensely arrived and it touches every aspect of human life in relation to education, healthcare, financial transactions, financial management, corporate financing and investments, public procurement and distribution, collection of taxes by government, besides facilitating trade and international business. It has particularly emphasized upon the digitalization in the areas such as marketing, economics, international trade and business. Digitalization in India is growing at a very fast pace with exponential growth. Digital footprint in personal life is visible and it is impacting society, economy and environment. Digitalization has opened new window of opportunities for startup communities. According to Boston Consultancy Group; India has one of the largest and fastest growing populations of internet users in the world and it is expected that India will cross 500 million internet users in the year 2020. According to NASSCOM report, the number of startups crossed 4200 in the year 2015; interestingly majority of these start ups are focusing on e- commerce, m- commerce and digital advertising. Digitalization is working like a tidal wave and it is accountable for technological disruption. It has significantly impacted customer acquisition, retention and service strategy as communication has shifted from ‘one to one’ communication to ‘one to many’ and ‘many to many’ communication. Digitalization is also impacting international trade agreements and economic integrations. As digitalization is taking over traditional way of trade and commerce so it is essential for the entrepreneurs, researchers and policy makers to review the current economic, social and trade related business environment, keeping in mind the market dynamics and the volatility of the market.
The conference also covers the impact of Industry 4.0 on optimizing delivery and logistic operations in term of exploring real applications of advanced self-driving systems, loadings and distribution. During the conference, we will study types of smart methods of monitoring and operating engineering activities. We will discuss impacts of automation, and smart sensing on improving production and accuracy.
Key Highlights
- According to the Direct Marketing Association, total worth of digital marketing industry is $ 62 billion.
- The total worth of digital advertising space in India is more than 6000 crore.
- India is the youngest startup nation in the world. More than 70% entrepreneurs are of less than 35 years of age.
- The E- commerce companies are offering wider varieties of goods and services to the customers. India is home to 3,311 e-commerce hubs, 1,267 rural hubs, 391 export hubs and 2,217 import hubs.
- According to the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) report, the overall ecommerce market in India has recorded a robust CAGR of 54.6 per cent and has crossed USD10.0 billion during 2007–11.
- In India, the business is growing in different industries such as mobile apps, internet of things, big data analytics, artificial intelligence, education technologies, mobile payments, transactional economics and international trade. This conference will address various emerging issues associated with digitalization and its implication on the business, society, environment and economy.