About The Conference

Economic scenario is undergoing transformation and there has been a paradigm shift in trade and business opportunities across nations. The shift is posing threats as well as opportunities to existing business models to mold accordingly for future growth and sustainability. The changing scenario is making the business leaders more dynamic and adaptive.
The National Conference on “Emerging Perspectives of Finance and Changing Economic Scenario” is aimed at bringing together research work of eminent professors, academicians, corporate executives, practicing managers, scholars and experts from all over India and abroad to deliberate upon and reveal insights into the emerging perspectives in finance, at the corporate, institutional as well as the individual level. The conference will highlight the issues related to the opportunities, challenges and global practices relevant to the development of financial sector including financial markets and services. It is expected that the conference outcome and recommendations will provide insightful directions for effective policies, plans and strategies in the near future for banking, finance, economic and business practices across the globe.
The conference offers publication opportunities and networking opportunities with experts in the field.

Who Should Attend?
Industry Experts
Financial Consultants and Practitioners
Research Scholars
NGOs and Registered Societies/ Trusts
Banks/ NBFCs/ Microfinance Institutions
Chartered Accountants/ Cost Accountants/ Company Secretaries


Message from the Director

Dear Academicians/Researchers


We look forward to your participation with a quality research paper. We do hope that you will find this conference an enriching platform to share your research and receive invaluable inputs from renowned experts and erudite peers.

With Regards
Prof. Alok Pandey
Director & Patron
IMS Ghaziabad