
Programme Schedule

April 15, 2022 - Day I
9:15 am - 9:45 am Registration of the Participants
10:00 am - 11:30 am Inaugural Session on the Theme: Technological, Social and Economic Innovations through Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Cyber Security
Venue- IMS Auditorium (On Campus)
11:30 am - 11:45 am Plenary Session on the Theme: Impact of AI, Data and Social Innovation on Business Transformation and Breakthrough Success
Venue- IMS Auditorium (On Campus)
1:15 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch and Networking
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm Concurrent Technical Sessions

Track I: Business Transformation through Innovation
Track II & III: Data-Driven Analytics and Business Management & Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Cyber Securities
Track IV & V: Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Innovative Practices
April 16, 2022 - Day II
9:15 amd - 11:15 am Concurrent Technical Sessions

Track VI: Technological Innovation and Development in Marketing
Track VII: Technological Innovation and Development in Finance
Track VIII: Technological Innovation and Development in Human Resource Management
Track IX: Technological Innovation and Development in Operation Management
11:15 amd - 11:30 am High Tea and Networking
11:30 amd - 1:00 pm Pleanary Session on the Theme: Data Driven Leadership: How to make Impactful Decisions
Venue- IMS Auditorium (On Campus)
1:00 am - 2:00 pm Lunch and Networking
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm International Plenary Session on the Theme: Adoption, Adaptability & Application: Power and Potential of AI & Data Science on Sustainable Development
Venue- IMS Auditorium (On Campus)
3:30 pm - 3:45 pm High Tea and Networking
3:45 pm - 4:45 pm Concurrent Technical Sessions

Track X: Student Research Paper Presentations
Track XI: Student Research Paper Presentations
4:45 pm - 5:15 pm Valedictory Session and Felicitation

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