Conference Sub- Themes
Business Transformation through Innovation
- Business Structure Transformation
- Challenges in New Business Development
- Market Creation for Innovative Products
- Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on digital transformation
- Drives digital transformation
- Key trends in digital transformation
- Blockchain Technology
Data-Driven Analytics and Business Management
- Big Data Applications
- Business Intelligence
- Cloud Computing
- Complexity and Algorithms
- Data Engineering and Architecture
- Data Mining Applications
- Data Visualization
- Data Warehousing and Security
- Data Processing for Networks
- Data Clustering
- Quantum Computing
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Cyber Securities
- Big Data Applications
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Cyber-Physical Systems
- Cyber Security
Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Big Data Applications
- Role of Educational Institute in Social Innovation
- Social capital
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Social impact measurement
- Approaches to Foster Social Innovation
- Small/family business management, intra/entrepreneurship
- Government policy on entrepreneurship
- Economic sensitivity
Sustainable Innovative Practices
- Institutional change and sustainable development
- Policy-making for sustainable development
- Sustainable finance
- Green reporting
- ESG investing
- Environmental policy
- Public electric transport
Technological innovation and Development in Marketing
- Social Media Management and Marketing
- Conversational Marketing
- Search Engine Optimization
- Influencer marketing
- Content Marketing and Digital Copywriting
- Omni-channel Marketing
- Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
- Significance of ‘S-commerce’ or social commerce in the world
- Rural market emerging as the next big target for business growth
- Gratification marketing
- Changing Consumer behaviour and emerging consumer segments
- COVID-19 impact on Marketing mix
- Marketing 5.0
Technological Innovation and Development in Finance
- Indian Financial System in New Economic Scenario
- Financial Markets- Challenges and Opportunities
- COVID 19 Impact on Economic Activities
- Digital Innovations in Business and Economy
- Mutual Funds, Insurance and Other Financial Services
- Banking, Micro-financing and Financial Inclusion
- Sustainable Finance and Practices
- Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology
- Financial Literacy & Behavioral Financial
- Entrepreneurship & Family Business
- FINTECH-Financial Technologies
- Financial inclusion
- Financial stability
- Financial innovation
- Sustainable finance and Green Accounting
- Changes in corporate governance regulations and structures
Technological Innovation and Development in Human Resource Management
- Digitalization in HR
- HR Analytics
- Technology and Innovations in HImpact of AI on HR
- Change Management and Managing human capital
- Employee Experience & Engagement
- Ethics, Values, Trust and Conflict Resolution
- Leadership and new normal
- Boundaryless organization –challenges and opportunities
- HRM Policies and Practices for responding Disruptive Innovations
- Importance of employees’ wellbeing post COVID era
- Challenges of performance appraisal in hybrid working
- Gig employment and organizational commitment
- Employee development in remote working
Technological Innovation and Development in Operation Management
- Flexibility inclusive and sustainable industrialization
- Innovations In Product And Service Design
- Foster Innovations In Operations Management
- Big Data Analytics To Identify Changes In Customer Preferences For Products And Services
- Crisis Leadership, Organisational Resiliency
- Adapting To Contactless Manufacturing, Storage, Handling And Delivery
- Adapting To Contactless Services- Education, Healthcare, Hospitality, Travel and Tourism
- Business Continuity, Its Planning And Professional Practices
- Major Disruptions In Agriculture And Supply Chain Of Farm Produce, Aerospace and Satellite Communication Industry
- Industry 4.0