Call for Papers
Institute of Management Studies, Ghaziabad, invites original and unpublished papers from academicians, research scholars and practicing managers on the theme “Marketing in the Digital World: Impact on the Indian Economy. There are various sub themes related to the topic that give opportunities to publish the papers on varied topics.
# Marketing
- Integrated Marketing Communication
- Digital and Social Media Marketing
- Big Data and Marketing Analytics
- Customer Relationship Management
- Customer Service Management
- Digital Marketing in the Era of Technological Disruption
- Digital Marketing and Artificial Intelligence
- Internet of Things & Enterprise Information System
- Consumer Research
- Co- creation of the Value Using Power of Internet and Mobile Technology
# Economics
- Cashless Economy
- Taxation in Digital Economy
- Economics of the Gig economy
- Transactional Economics in the Era of ‘Mergers and Acquisitions’
- Digital Economy: Challenges and Opportunity
- Digital Trade in South Asia
- Digitalization and its Impact on Traditional Indian Business Practices International Business
# International - Business
- Cross Border Trade through Digital Platforms
- International Trade Documentation in Digital Trade
- WTO and World Trade through e Commerce
- International Business Strategies in Digitally Connected World
- Cross Cultural Management in a Digital World
- International Trade Promotion through Digital and Social Media
- Regional Trade Agreements Using Digital Platforms
The contributors may also submit their paper in any other relevant area which is not covered in the list.