Paper Submission Guidelines:

The manuscript should be prepared in the following format:

  • First page should include title of the paper, name, position, affiliation, contact no. and email id.
  • Second page of the paper should include title of the paper and abstract of approximately 200-250 words with 3-4 key-words. (Font size-12, Times New Roman,italics).
  • Full Paper should be up to 4000 words, submitted in MS-Word format (Font type-Times New Roman, Font size- 12 and Line Spacing-1.5)
  • All references should follow APA style, (6th edition) -
  • All the tables and diagrams should be appropriately numbered and provided at the end of the paper.
  • The research paper can be sent to For any other query contact or

Plagiarism :

All the submissions would be processed through plagiarism detection software “Turnitin” in accordance with international norms.

Message from the Director

Dear Academicians/Researchers


We look forward to your participation with a quality research paper. We do hope that you will find this conference an enriching platform to share your research and receive invaluable inputs from renowned experts and erudite peers.

With Regards
Prof. Alok Pandey
Director & Patron
IMS Ghaziabad