Call for Papers
Institute of Management studies, Ghaziabad, invites original, unpublished papers from academicians, professionals, research scholars, consultants, policy makers and others take holders to send their original abstracts, research papers, case studies on “International Conference on Transforming HR in the Digital Era: Prospects and Implicit Issues”. There are various subthemes related with the topic which give opportunity to publish the paper on varied topics.
Sub Themes
An indicative list of sub-themes is as follows:- Digitalization in HR
- HR Analytics
- Impact of AI on HR
- Talent Retention
- HR Outsourcing
- Green HRM
- Trade Union and Automation
- HRM Policies and Practices for responding Disruptive Innovations
- Employee Training and Development
- Management of Contractors and Temporary Workers
- Corporate Social Responsibility &Sustainability
- Change Management
- Leadership
- Employee Experience & Engagement
- Emotional Intelligence
- Ethics, Values, Trust and Conflict Resolution
- Cross Cultural Communication
- Role of Communication in Media and PR
- Image Building
- Body Language as a Tool of Communication
- Interpersonal Skills
- Stress Management
- Socializing and Networking
- Corporate Etiquettes and Professional Ethics
- New Trends in Communication
- Any Other Relevant Topic