
Conference Highlights and Publication Opportunities

1. Best Paper Award

All the Delegates who will present their papers will be having an opportunity for contesting the best paper awards. Best paper award in each technical sessions will be conferred. A panel of jury, consisting of renowned academicians and corporate experts will decide on the best paper award in each track.

A dedicated technical session will be organized for all the student's submissions of the research paper. A separate Best paper award will be conferred to the best paper presentation of all students’ presentation.

2. Publication in Journal

I. The quality papers will be published in the special issue of the Journal of IMS Group ISSN No- 0973-824X.

II. Accepted good quality Papers will be published in International Journal of Intelligent communication, Computing and Networks. ISSN 2582-7707 after review process.

III. Selected papers would be forwarded for the final publication inScopus Indexed Repute Journals after review process.(Additional processing fee (if any) would be borne by the contributor)

IV. Good quality papers would be forwarded for the publications in UGC Care and Scopus indexed Journal - "Dickensian journal" after review process with additional processing fees (if any).

3. Conference Proceeding

All the accepted research paper’s abstracts will be published in the form of Conference Proceeding with ISBN No. Conference Proceeding will be unveiled and provided to each contributed on the day of the conference.

4. Participation as Delegate

Delegates who will participate but not present their papers will get a “Certificate of participation”.